SAS Listing
All Vessels must, as a minimum, be listed with South Africa Sailing (SAS) or any of the other SAMSA approved Authorised Agency. The necessary documents that have to be submitted for a SAS listing are available from SAS Office in Durban (phone: 031 301 3078), and must be submitted to them together with the required fee. These are not available from ZYC Office.
SAS Inspection
The inspection requirements are contained in a document that is obtainable from ZYC Office after payment of the required fee. The inspection will be done by one of three ZYC safety officers. When the inspection has been completed you will be given a "Notice of Completion of Survey". A copy is sent to SAS and they will issue a "Certificate of Fitness" which will allow you to sail to the extent that the category of inspection allows you. (Category A, B, C etc). In practice the "Notice of Completion of Survey" is sufficient to get you sailing until the "Certificate of Fitness" arrives. The "Certificate of Fitness" is valid for one year. The SAS listing and the "Certificate of Fitness" only allows you to sail within the South African borders. If you are planning a trip to foreign shores you must be registered on the Merchant Shipping Register.
South African Marine Safety Authority (SAMSA)
Registration on the Merchant Shipping Register
If you are planning to go to foreign shores, your vessel must be registered on the Merchant Shipping Register. The process has been simplified and the registration paperwork can be handled by SAS.
The vessel must have an "Approved Number". This number is the SA 1234 number and is best obtained by following the process outlined above under SAS Listing.
The vessel must undergo a hull inspection which requires the removal of the prop shaft and propeller. Seacocks and through hull fittings, rudder and its fittings are also inspected at this time. This inspection must be done on the hard so it is very important that you contact the local SAMSA appointed small vessel surveyor Ernst Boller (phone 083 303 1536) early so that a repeat haul can be prevented.
The vessel also requires a safety inspection which is the same as the SAS inspection as above. The fee payable at the ZYC office covers both the hull and safety inspections.
When both inspections have been completed, you will be given 3 documents:
Notification of Completion of Hull Survey (SAMSA)
Notification of Completion of Safety Survey (SAMSA)
Notification of Completion of Safety Survey (SAS)
The documents mentioned in 1) and 2) must be submitted together with the required fee and any other documentation to SAS. Please inquire at the SAS office in Durban regarding all the requirements and documentation. They will then initiate the registration process. The ZYC office is not able to help with the registration process.
Hull surveys are valid for 2 years, but the safety inspection must be done annually.