Longitude 32° 0.5.015 E   Latitude 28° 47.529 S


All 25 camp sites are serviced with electricity and water, and are within view of the Club house, swimming pool and beach. A separate camp site ablution block with hot and cold water is available nearby.
Please note: Camping facilities are for members only..


All South African Skippers wishing to use the harbour must have a Pilots Exemption Certificate. This is a Port Authority requirement. Application must be made to the Offshore Committee for recommendation to the Port Authorities for a Pilots Exemption Certificate. Having passed the required examination as set by the Offshore Committee, you will be passed on to the Harbour Authorities who will ask several questions, upon which successful conclusion; a Pilots Exemption Certificate will be issued. A certain amount of experience is required before you will even be considered eligible to sit the examination.
The Application to the Offshore Committee and Study material is available at the Club office after payment of the required fee. The Pilots Exemption Certificate has to be renewed every January. Renewal is valid for one calendar year and is subject to a minimum of 5 crossings of the bar (not the Pelican Bar) in and outwards during the previous year. A completed Application to renew together with your Certificate must be handed into the Office for processing.